Should I Become a Tour Guide?

Should I Become a Tour Guide

In the most basic sense, Loci Amica serves two groups. One, is international travelers. The other, is aspiring tour guides. Of course, given the penchant for international travel, the two are not necessarily exclusive of one another, as globetrotters would typically love nothing more than to work within their local travel industry, at least through […]

5 Best Temples to Visit in Taiwan

5 Best Temples to Visit in Taiwan

There are approximately 12,000 registered temples in Taiwan. Recent reports estimate that number is closer to 15,000 temples if you count all places of worship. So, narrowing down a top five is pretty much ludicrous, right? We can’t really argue that, especially when you consider preference to be highly subjective. However, in creating this list […]

Is Taiwan Safe for Solo Female Travellers?

Is Taiwan Safe for Solo Female Travellers

It’s unfortunate that you have to ask this question in today’s day and age. Still, it’s an important one to address because there are many parts of the world where it’s not only ill-advised for a woman to travel on her own, but for anyone. Thankfully, Taiwan is not one of those places. That being […]

What to Look For in a Tour Guide

What do look for in a tour guide

So you’ve decided to choose a tour guide over a big brand operation, but now comes the next and somewhat tricky part – picking a guide that makes the most sense for your unique needs. As an app that connects international travelers to local guides in Southeast and East Asia we certainly have insight into […]

Local Tour Private Guides vs Tour Operators

Local Tour Private Guides Taiwan

Don’t let your tour pass by like a blur Whether visiting Taiwan or Tahiti for the first time, making the most of your trip often involves tour guide services in some shape or form. But in the past, big brand tour operators had a bit of a monopoly in the arena, just like taxi companies […]